Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Things I Do Because I'm a Moron: Supplemental

We had a nice warm streak of weather about two weeks back.

I spent most of it writing a long, senseless post about Television Plots.

Then, after a bit of a cold snap, the weather turned balmy again.

This time, I avoided the nice temps by working on
my son's Wedding Video . (Anticipated Release Date: May, 2008)

Yesterday was the coldest, windiest, nastiest day of the winter so far. (In Chicago, it was the coldest December 5th ever.)

Naturally, I put up our Christmas Lights.

It was Horrible. The strands of wire froze solid so whatever I hung on one side came crashing down when I'd try to hang the other end. I began to make up new words like
Darrin McGavin did in "A Christmas Story".

Several neighbors were peeking out their windows with cell phones. News vehicles cruised by, but the reporters dared not approach me.

Overall, it didn't turn out too bad.

And, on the plus side, I did make
the Dog help me.

(OK, I sort of made a lot of this next one up, but it is in the series...)


Blogger Reinman said...

"Naturally I put up our Christmas Lights."

One loud chortle disrupted the otherwise silent classroom.

9:48 AM  
Blogger Jilb said...

The house looks so nice! I love it!

2:46 PM  
Blogger Reinman said...

By the way, was the title a S.T. reference?

8:28 PM  
Blogger Colonel Havoc said...

Yes, but it was somewhat unconscious.

I didn't think the post was moronic or epic enough to deserve its own chapter, so "supplemental" came out.

I didn't intend it to be a reference at the time, but there is no denying the fact that I would not have worded it that way if I hadn't been influenced by the good captains. (Not Janeway)

I am, after all, both a Moron AND a Nerd...

9:10 AM  
Blogger SuperStar said...

That dog is NOT Gina!

1:43 PM  
Blogger Graceland King said...

Can you salvage any of the lousy wedding footage I took? Man, I was as shaky as a drunk trying to eat. And let there be no mistake, there is nothing funny about being shaky.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Colonel Havoc said...

Actually, a lot of your stuff was really usable. You did great. The funniest part was the tripod. It was screwed on a little tight, so every time the camera panned, it sounded like an intestinal problem.

9:03 AM  
Blogger JC said...

being married to a ST geek, I just assumed the title was a reference and didn't think a thing of it! That's funny that that is just a part of your vocab.
The house does look great- it was worth braving the cold.

2:38 PM  
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5:47 AM  

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